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How to choose and buy car alarm system?
Pubdate:2013-01-28 15:30

How to choose and buy car alarm system?

(1) look products brand.

Big brand alarm manufacturers strength, research and development, production ability, and perfect after-sales service, is the consumer choose and buy alarm of first consideration factors.

(2) choose the suitable model.

Universal car anti-theft alarm system already has the guard against theft and alarm, remote control door lock function, high-grade cars can choose to install multi-function alarm, so that we can realize open the luggage compartment, lift glass even functions such as preheating. If hope to own car have a more comprehensive monitoring, two-way LCD alarm is more suitable for choice.

(3) the correct selection of the alarm installation contractor.

This is the most important thing, experienced installation contractor have high quality installation technology and good after-sales service. Due to the alarm of the loss caused by bad installation often present as a car computer crash, airbag fry out, burn automobile circuit and other components. So, don't simply the pursuit of low price and installation price, lest be counterfeit and shoddy products is veiled, should not after-sales service guarantee.

Choose alarm installation contractor can pay attention to the following:

(1) the shop have alarm management, installation qualification.

(2) the sale of alarm is indicating origin, this is the alarm in the future can be after-sales service and fault guarantee the basic guarantee.

(3) the shop do you have alarm the manufacturer's authorization, this shows that the shop is this brand of alarm have a more comprehensive understanding, and got the factory installation training and recognition.

(4) alarm installation is completed, be sure to ask for installation contractor with official seal and the telephone alarm warranty card.

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